Gary R. Chandler

Architecture & Interiors


Client Recommendations


"...Gary's design accomplished all I hoped. He  possesses a unique blend of  vision, creativity and practicality. He pays particular attention to all the elements of living (both indoors and outdoors), from layout to lighting to color to how you actually live."

Carolyn Sanders

"...Kim and I have thoroughly marveled at your vision and execution in seeing our home come to life over the past four years from the idea inception, communication, drawings, and ultimate implementation. Your attention to detail in creating our home has been a true joy for us, as we have watched you meticulously bring your vision to life. From the bricks and mortar to the color coordination and seeing to the monotonous, yet important, details and attention while moving through the building phase, we were amazed at the focus, energy, and dedication applied on our behalf."

Kenneth and Kimberly Alo

"...How do we begin to tell you how much we appreciate your talent? You accepted our challenge of taking a tired one-story - and designing it so that it looks like it has always been there. We are so pleased with the final results. Not a day goes by that we don't walk through the house and comment on your incredible attention to detail and sense of style."

Nancy and Bill Baycroft

"...Your attention to detail and focus on the appropriate look for a casual, country place were so right on the mark. Since this was unlike anything I had done before, I know it took a little coaxing to get me out of my comfort zone. I appreciate how well you balanced knowing when to push and when to let me win. The result is a house I love and feel right at home in, yet could not have ever achieved on my own."

Jennifer Vogel